Minggu, 01 Maret 2009
Ultah Sang Motivator
XII PK Dapat Bernapas Lega
School climate Challenge merupakan lomba lingkungan yang diselenggarakan oleh British Council yang bekerja sama dengan yayasan ashoka , pandu pertiwi, dan Nasional Geographic Indonesia. Lomba yang akan berlangsung selama 6 bulan ini (Pebruari -juni) merupakan lomba bertaraf nasional yang dikhususkan untuk sekolah-sekolah menengah atas (SMA/MA) sederajat yang ada di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mendorong siswa-siswa dan guru menggagas proyek yang inovativ, kreatif, berkesinambungan dan terutama berkontriubusi terhadap solusi perubahan iklim dan memiliki manfaat ekonomi baik bagi sekolah maupun komunitas.
Madrasah Aliyah 1 Annuqayah Putri merupakan 1 dari sekolah yang ada di Madura yang mengikuti lomba proyek tersebut. Dengan mengutus 3 tim yaitu:
Tim pembudayaan Hemat kertas & pemanfaatan sampah kertas yang beranggotakan lailatul mukarramah, Athiroh Annufus,Rizka finur laila oktafiana dan Trimahta yudha
Tim composting yang beranggotakan Ulfatun Hasanah, Khalifah, Dewi Nur Hayati, dan Dewi Romlah Oktaviana
Tim Tanaman Obat yang beranggotakan Musyarrofah, Eliza Umami, Shatitin Nashihah dan Izzatul Kamelia. Proyek Tanaman Obat ini bernama
“ pengembangan kesehatan swadaya melalui pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Madura”
Tim ini dibantu oleh tim pengarah yang terdiri dari Ny.Khatibah (Manager Herba Madura),K.Muzammil El-Muttaqin (BPM-Pondok Pesantren Annuqayah),K.Naqib Hasan S.sos (Kepala Madrasah) dan Ny.Shafiyah A.Win (Waka. Kesiswaan), serta tim pendukung yang diambil dari Club Pecinta Alam, Club jurnalistik, dan pengurus UKS
Sebenarnya tujuan utama kami dalam proyek ini adalah:
Mengembalikan kepercayaan masyarakat khususnya warga MA 1 Annuqayah Putri terhadap Herba Madura
“Teman-teman MA 1 Annuqayah Putri bisa menjaga dan mengatasi kesehatan dengan Tanaman Obat Madura “Ungkap Musyarrafah (Eva:Read) salah satu anggota tim inti Tanaman Obat.Dia (Eva:Read) mengungkapkan warga PP.Annuqayah khususnya siswa MA 1 Annuqayah Putri cenderung lebih suka mengkonsumsi dan lebih percaya terhadap hasiat obat-obtan kimia dari pada obat-obatan alami.Selain karena obat kimia lebih praktis ,reaksi obat-obatan kimia juga lebih cepat bagi tubuh.
Kepala Madarasah Aliyah 1 Annuqayah Putri tidgkungan dengan mengembangkan kesehatan swadaya melalui pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat, dan ak memprioritaskan proyek tersebut sebagai lomba yanh hanya akan berlangsung selama 6 bulan akan tetapi tujuan utamanya adalah agar siswa MA 1 Annuqayah Putri peduli terhadap linbeliau mengaharapkan proyek ini bisa ditindak lanjuti dengan usha-usaha yang efektif,misalnya pembuatan posko konsultasi kesehatan swadaya yang bekerja sama dengan Herba Madura.
Cultivation of thrifty papers & making useful of rubbish papers
(Pembudidayaan hemat kertas dan pemanfaatan sampah kertas) the member of this team are Lailatul Mukarramah, Atirah Annufus, Rizka finur laila oktafiana and Trimahta Yudha
Developing self-supporting healthy by making useful of Maduranis medicinal herbs (pengembangan kesehatan swadaya melalui pemanfaatan tanaman obat Madura) the member of this team are Musyarrafah, Eliza Umami, Shatitin Nashihah and Izzatul Kamilia
Cultivation Organic Fertilizer And It’s Utilizing In School Environment
(Budidaya pupuk organik dan pemanfaatannya disekitar sekolah) the member of this team are Ulfatun Hasanah, Dewi Nurhayati, Khalifah and Dewi Romlah Oktafia
This team helped by director team there are Khatibah A Win (Manager of Herba Madura) Muzammil el-Muttaqien (BPM-PPA) Naqib Hasan S.Sos (headmaster of MA 1 A pi) Shafiyah A.Win (Wakamad Bag Kesiswaan) and endorsement team from Club Pecinta Alam , Club Jurnalistik, and UKS committee.
Actually destination of TO project is:
1. To return society belief specially school communities in MA 1 A pi to traditional herb
2. Students of MA 1 A pi can save and exceed their healthy with traditional herbs Musyarrafah said that school communities in MA 1 A pi specially the students always use and believe more in chemistry medicinal quality than medicinal herbs. Because medicinal chemistry convenient and reaction of medicinal chemistry is fast to our body.
Headmaster of MA 1 A Pi not earmark that’s project as competition but the destination is students of MA 1 A pi care to their environment with open up expense healthy get by utilize medicinal herbs and he wants this project can take the next step on with effective effort, for example is make place for consultation expense healthy and cooperate with Herba Madura.
This program is involve all of school of Indonesia especially for senior high school, include our school MA 1 Annuqayah Putri, that represent of Madura. In this prestigious championship, all of participant from MA 1 Annuqayah putri, devided to 3 team, they are Medicinal Herb’s team, Compsting’s team and our team are Recycle Papers’s team, that consist 4 people as main team.
In Recycle Papers’s team, we recycle the used paper to be new paper that be able to use it again.
“Theresn’t a spescial devide duty. In this team, we work all together” said Athirah An-Nufus one of main team from Recycle Papers’s team, while we asked about devide duty in this team.
For the sake of saved our earth a specially to make our school progress, we always making every effort to achieve a good product. But it’s can’t be denide we always find any difficulty. “It’s very difficult to seek and find the meduim to recycle the paper, how to product high quality paper especially we haven’t find a guide teacher yet that suitable. Whereas another team was find it”. She said. Nevertheless, all of it can’t to abridge our spirit to persisted for the sake of success this project.
Everything is visible at the instigation of participant while we implementing all of activity among to practice to recycle the paper everyday.
This project will persist for 6 mounth. It’s since Pebruary till next July by any activity. They are training, compaign for another school among SMA 3 Annuqayah, MTs 1 Putri Annuqayah and SMP Islam Baiturrahmah West Gadu, Ganding, introduce exchibition, public outcleach, it’s introduction to public about aor project’s purpose, visit to Kaliandra in Pasuruan to be acquainted with our earth and the latest is selling our product.
“We hope dwindle amount af rubbish paper, thrifty of paper in surroundings of school much, can make students more and more have an interest to creativity and make public and students shoved to use the used paper.“ Said Lailatul Mukarramah one of main team of Recycle Papers’s team, while we asked what their hope about this project.